
关于刚果(布)中刚勘探有限责任公司矿 正文内容
2024-03-20 15:00:00
一、 招标条件
Conditions of tender
Republic of Congo Sino-Congo Exploration Co., Ltd(hereinafter referred to as the Tenderer) intends to tender for the for the Republic of Congo Sino-Congo Exploration Co., Ltd Geological Geophysical Survey Project, The project funds are in place and meet the bidding conditions. We welcome interested companies that meet the requirements of this announcement to tender and submit sealed bids. The details are as follows.
Content of tender
I. Tender No.: GGB2024-02-WT
II. Project overview
The project is a geophysical exploration project located in the BK-YK mining area, Sonel-loumbra mining area and other mining areas in the Republic of Congo. The main contents of the project are as follows
(1) Geophysical survey in ladder measurement, IP sounding, report preparation.
(2) Contents of on-site disclosure.
三、 投标人资格要求: 本次招标要求投标人须同时具备以下资格条件:
Qualification Requirements for bidders: This bidding requires the bidder to meet the following qualifications:
1.The bidder has the qualification for registration in the country (region) where it is located, an independent legal person, a valid business license, a registered capital of not less than 20 million yuan, a good performance record, and the ability to respond to the requirements set forth in the bidding documents. Level corresponding qualification.
2.The bidder must have undertaken 3 or more such geophysical exploration work designs and field operations, must have the financial ability and experience required to perform the contract, have a good business reputation, and have the equipment and professional technical capabilities required to perform the contract, and be able to provide good For technical support and services, bidders must provide relevant qualification documents for geophysical exploration.
3.The project manager must have a major in geophysical exploration and an intermediate or above professional title, 8 years of junior college or more than 5 years of undergraduate work experience, and provide corresponding work performance materials. Other key personnel must have relevant work experience in similar projects.
4.The winning bidder shall not subcontract, subcontract, nor affiliated contracting, and shall issue a written commitment.
5.The bidder is not in a state of being ordered to suspend business, disqualified from bidding, and the property has been taken over, frozen, or bankrupt.
6. In the past three years, there has been no winning bids or serious breach of contract, and no major project quality and safety problems have occurred.
7.Meet other specified conditions (such as mandatory industry and legal requirements of the relevant country and the country where the project is located, qualification conditions, etc.).
四、 招标文件发放时间和地点:
Time and place of issuance of tender documents:
All bidders may obtain the electronic version of the tender documents from the contact person at 9:00-15:00 every day from February 29th to March 6th, 2024 (Beijing time, except holidays). The materials and requirements that should be provided during registering:
(1) 企业营业执照或其他有效的证明文件(扫描加盖公章)。
Business license or other valid certification documents (scanned with official seal).
(2) 公司资质证明(扫描加盖公章)。
Company qualification certificate (scanned with official seal).
(3) 项目经理相关职称证明(扫描加盖公章)。
Relevant professional title certificate of the project manager (scanned with official seal).
(4) 法人代表资格证明文件(扫描加盖公章)和法定代表人授权书(扫描加盖公章)。
Qualification certificate of the legal representative (scanned with official seal) and letter of authorization of the legal representative (scanned with official seal).
(5) 授权投标代表本人有效身份证件原件及复印件(扫描加盖公章)。
The original and photocopy of the valid ID card of the authorized bidding representative (scanned with official seal).
(6) 投标人报名表。
Bidder’s registration form
投标单位名称:Name of bidder:
投标单位税号:Tax number of bidder:
投标单位地址:Address of bidder:
报名项目名称:Name of registration project:
报名招标编号:Bidding number of the registration project:
投标单位行政办公室座机及传真:Telephone number and fax of the administrative office of bidder:
项目联系人及电话:Project contact person and phone number:
邮箱地址:Email Address:
将以上资料扫描件发至:邮箱;投标人报名表应为word可编辑模式,邮件主题格式:项目名称+报名单位 名称。逾期无通知不能参加本次招标会。
Fee for tender documents: None
4.3 投标保证金:不收取
Bid security: not charged
五、 现场踏勘
Site survey
For this tender, we do not organize a unified survey. If the bidder needs to conduct site survey, it is necessary to contact with the tenderer in advance, and any expenses arising from the site survey shall be borne by the bidder.
六、 投标文件的递交与开标
Submission of bidding documents and bid opening
Deadline for submission of bidding documents: before 10:00 on March 20th, 2024 (Beijing time), and attend the bid opening meeting at the same time (if there is any change, it will be notified separately). The bidding documents received late or not in compliance with the requirements will not be accepted.
2.开标时间: 2024年3月20日15:00时。如有变化另行通知。
Bid opening time: 15:00 on March 20th 2024. if there is any change, it will be notified separately.
联系人:袁 先 生
手 机:13021066931
邮 箱:13021066931@163.com
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